NTM Aviation’s Cessna 206 in Brazil flew its first ministry flights last week.

Three pilots from other aviation missions came to help out, learning the procedures for the plane and the airstrips.

Language consultants came to help missionaries Jevon and Danica Rich on one of the first flights. “The availability of consultants — the orientation, training, direction, and spiritual encouragement that they provide when they come — is one of the biggest reasons we are so thankful for the plane,” said Danica.

The Riches moved into this remote location in April 2014 when a plane from another mission was free to come to the area. Since then, they’ve had to hike out at least once with their three small children — a day on the river, two days on the trails with an overnight in a makeshift jungle hut, then another day on the river.

Now with the plane in the region, gruelling trips can be a thing of the past — just in time.

A village pet tapir attacked Jevon and Danica last week, knocking them down and biting them repeatedly. Then it ran off and bit three village men.

Alerted to the emergency, one of the pilots who had just visited agreed to travel back and do a medevac flight. Mechanic Joel Rich readied the plane and fueled it. Christian medical workers rounded up scarce rabies vaccine. Within the 72-hour window for the first round of shots, the bite victims arrived in town.

Emergency help is available. Supplies can arrive. Consultants can visit. The plane will sustain missionaries for the long haul of bringing people to Christ and leading them to maturity. God used your partnership in prayer and support to provide this long-awaited blessing for Brazil.

Visiting pilots can come and fly from time to time, but a pilot on location would be better. Please pray for God to provide a permanent pilot to fly the Cessna 206 in Brazil.

You can keep helping NTM missionaries in Brazil, especially Brazilian nationals, pay for their flights.

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