Pray for Bible teaching efforts

Aimee Hedrik, part of the church planting team among the Tigak people of Papua New Guinea, writes, “We are now over 1/4 way through the redemptive story laid out in God’s word, with the group coming four mornings a week to learn for themselves, and in their own language, what God says in His word.” Pray that these Tigak people, that they would attend the teaching consistently, gain a clear understanding of truth, and place their trust in God alone.

Learn more about the Tigak people

12 new believers in Wano tribe

Pray for the church in the Wano tribe, Asia Pacific region. Tim and Rebecca Ingles write, “It is so exciting to see all that God is doing through the Wano and seeing fruit multiply through believers that we have been discipling.” Last month a team of Wano Bible teachers returned from an outreach in a neighbouring village, and reported we have twelve new brothers and sisters in Christ now.

see what God is doing in the asia pacific region

Pray for ongoing Bible translation

Kevin and Wendy Case, working with the Tepehuan people of Mexico, report that the draft of James is now complete.

learn more about bible translation

Please pray for the Mengen Church

Rebecca Preheim, part of the team working with the Mengen people in Papua New Guinea, writes, “in April, I’m scheduled to have 7 books checked, which will be a huge relief once that’s behind me!  Also, I’m starting to lay the groundwork for new Bible books while waiting for the translation check to take place.  These days find me in the book of Galatians, working to get a rough draft laid out in the Mengen language.

She continues, “Continue to be in prayer for the Mengen church these days.  Without a missionary presence in the village, they are having to work through problems and decisions on their own, which is a real time of growth for them.  Pray especially for our Bible teachers who are feeling rather stretched.  They are hoping to start a new literacy class to train a couple of new teachers.  They are also teaching Phase 1 “Creation to Christ” Bible lessons to 2 groups of people and are teaching through Acts on Sundays!

We would also appreciate your prayers for our 2 Mengen missionary families who recently presented the Gospel to 2 new groups of people.  We have been thrilled to hear of around 10-12 new believers as a result of the teaching.  However, as new “baby believers”, they need continual teaching and discipleship.  Pray for Bruce and his wife as well as Kamilus and his wife as they are already exhausted beyond measure.  They certainly could use some help, so we are praying that the Lord would guide another Mengen family to join them, or even one of the young single men who could help share the load a bit.”

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