Dan, a tribal mother among the Kumans, trusted Christ last month.

She was a special friend of missionaries Will and Kelly Tallman. At the end of last year she suffered what appeared to be a stroke. Will and Kelly as well as several others, were bringing her medicine, food and encouragement.

At the beginning of her illness Dan asked to hear the Firm Foundation Bible lessons. As they reached the culmination, explaining the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, she joyfully trusted Christ.

Dan stayed faithful and declared her faith to everyone. She said, “I am trusting Jesus as the sacrifice for my sins. Some people say that spirits caused my illness and that I should be making sacrifices to appease them. But I want people to know I am not trusting in my ancestors talk but am standing on God’s Word.”

On Jan. 19, Dan went home to her Saviour. At the funeral Will, Umba and Par were able to give the Gospel message and share the testimony that Dan left behind.

Pray for the Tallmans and the Kuman believers who are missing Dan. Pray, too, that her testimony and the Gospel message presented at her funeral will touch hearts and cause others to want to hear the Firm Foundation Bible lessons.