Six thousand copies of the newly revised Hamtai New Testament will be put on a container in Pennsylvania, headed to Papua New Guinea.

The newly revised Hamtai New Testaments are ready to be inspected and shipped. Six thousand copies will be put on a container by a local ministry team in Conneaut, Pennsylvania, headed to Papua New Guinea.

Tom and Corinne Palmer worked with the Hamtai people for many years. And now even in the USA, Tom will have an intricate part, flying to Pennsylvania to help see that the inspection and shipping process is done.

He will be joined by Jon Frazier from the Communications Department of NTM USA in Sanford, Florida. They must spot check and re-bag 2,000 Bibles a day.

Jon says, “This is a great opportunity to work with the local churches and youth groups in the Conneaut Lake area. Normally this checking process is done in Sanford. This will save several thousand dollars in shipping for us so we are so thankful for co-workers there that will help.”

The Bibles will be put in plastic carrying bags ready to be bought by the people. Tom and Corinne ask for prayer that, “Each family will see the importance of their children having their own copy, costing probably the equivalent of $3 to $5.”

Once in country, trucks will transport them to the place where a dedication ceremony is being planned by the church leaders.