After Jon’s road accident on October 15th, and medical evacuation to Australia, we received word this morning that the surgeons had to remove Jon’s leg. Adie writes, “I’ve just been into see Jon. He’s stable on his own support. He looks good, they are moving him to the surgical ward soon. (His leg is) gone. More surgery (will follow.) God has his leg. God has a purpose. My first thought of “why” was quickly answered with: I have a BIG plan. But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the LORD God my refuge, that I may tell of all YOUR works.” Psalm 73:28

Thank you for lifting up the Leedahl family in prayer for continued surgeries, for adjustments and decisions. Subscribe to prayer updates for ongoing prayer requests from the Leedahls and other NTM missionaries worldwide here

The Leedahl family is grateful beyond words for your prayers, encouragement, and support and has these specific prayer requests:

  • Pray for a thorough recovery for Jon from the amputation.
  • Pray for Jon’s emotional healing as he processes through the accident and recovery ahead.
  • Pray for rest and comfort for Adie as she continues being strong by Jon’s side.
  • Pray for the doctors to have wisdom and discernment.

For further updates, read the Leedahls’ blog HERE.