Elisabeth Elliot once wrote,

“What is the place of women in world mission? Jesus said, “You

[and the word means all of you, male and female] are my witnesses. You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.” And there have been countless thousands who, without reference to where they came from or what they knew or who they were, have believed that Jesus meant exactly what he said and have set themselves to follow. Today strident female voices are raised, shrilly and ad nauseam, to remind us that women are equal with men. But such a question has never even arisen in connection with the history of Christian missions. In fact, for many years, far from being excluded, women constituted the majority of foreign missionaries.”


One thing I’ve really appreciated about Emanate is how they value training women, not just men.

Throughout the Bible and history, women have been greatly involved in the Great Commission. Women like Priscilla, Lydia, Amy Carmichael, Lottie Moon, Gladys Aylward, Elisabeth Elliot… Jesus didn’t command only men to “go and make disciples of all nations.” I’m thankful to know so many women serving with New Tribes Mission who are involved in Bible translation, teaching literacy, teaching the Bible to women and children, discipleship, linguistics, and more.


If God calls women to be a part of taking the gospel to the unreached, then it makes sense to train them, too. We understand there are different views on ladies’ roles in church planting, but it is important to be realistic (and biblical) and understand how greatly women are involved in missions. How does Emanate best equip these ladies who will be greatly involved in church planting?

1. All women are expected to attend classes, even the mothers. This is why we provide childcare during morning classes, and expect wives without kids and single women to involved in all aspects of the Afternoon Work Program. (Check out our video on our childcare program).

2. Our female students are also taught how to prepare Bible lessons, lead discussions, and teach foundational Bible classes to other women.

3. Through One-on-One discipleship with couples and single ladies.

4. There are women on staff who have church planting experience who are involved in classes, discipleship with the students, giving valuable input to the course, and more.

Are you a woman wondering what part you can play in reaching unreached people groups? You have just an important role in church planting, as any man does, and we want you to consider Joining the Impossible!