A Conflict of Beliefs

La’e’nis and his wife Wiwita’i’, are Manjúi believers in Paraguay. Wiwita’i’ was very ill, in and out of consciousness all morning. During one of her times of consciousness, Wiwita’i’ cried out for a witch doctor to come and chant over her in order to ease her pain.

A Conflict of Emotions

Manjúi woman

Eyes slowly settled on La’e’nis. He used to be the chief witch doctor. Would he succumb to the pressure of his delirious wife? How could he say “no” to this request? Would he get frustrated and angry as he used to?

He stood up quietly from his wife’s side and went into his little hut, returning with his Bible. He sat back down beside his wife and took her hand, putting it on his Bible.

A Changed Manjúi

Manjúi man

As he held Wiwita’i’s hand on his Bible, he reminded her about what she believed and where she would be going when God’s work for her on Earth was finished. He told her that he loved her but could not chant to his old helper spirit because he no longer had that spirit. Looking at the crowd, he told them who he was: one of God’s children, not a child of Satan, because of the message of Truth that came long ago.

Pray for the Manjúi church as they find God’s grace sufficient in the face of cultural conflicts.

Note: Wiwita’i’ has received medical attention and is getting better. (1/17)