Liv Poulsen ministers in West Africa. “I have been working on [translating] the gospel of Luke lately. It has gone well, and I am thankful for that. Pray for the helpers that I have used for the comprehension checks, that the Lord uses what they have heard to draw them to Himself. Two of the helpers used to come to the Bible teaching, but then stopped. They have heard the gospel. … Pray that the Lord provides the right helpers for the different steps of the translation. I hope to be able to use [the skills of] a young man from the village for the taping of Matthew. Pray that this will be possible. … Pray for the young believer translating the Old Testament. He is working on Exodus at the moment. Pray that the Lord provides him with a wife. No one wants to give him their daughter, since he is a believer, and they are making life very difficult for him. But the Lord is sustaining him through it all.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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