Tom and Beth Carlton minister in Mexico. “My sweet and amazing friend, Katie, is one of the church planters here in Mexico among the Nahuatl people and has the privilege of heading up the literacy program for her team. Katie recently asked me to help her with a small literacy project she had in mind. She asked me if I would be willing to do some simple illustrations for a book she would like to write and add to the small, but growing, Nahuatl library. An important part of a literacy program is to have options of things for the people to read after they learn how. There is no local library for the people to go to and peruse thousands of options. The missionary has to make the library. Usually, the books produced for literacy have simple black and white illustrations that help to interest the reader. I love the way Katie does literacy … because she goes above and beyond the norm, and when she can, she tries to have coloured pictures in the books! This is such a treat for the people, and they absolutely love it.” Read more.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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