Where Most Needed

In a village in the Asia-Pacific region, missionaries developed some Bible lessons. In the midst of all that work, how could they figure out a target date to begin teaching? A date that could help them stay on track? They needed the perspective of someone experienced in church planting, someone not involved in their day-to-day work. And that’s just what they got last week, thanks in part to gifts given “where most needed.”

Important but Low-Profile Work

NTM’s consultant program gives experienced missionaries additional training so they can help others work step-by-step through literacy, Bible translation, lesson preparation, leadership development and more. Consultants also teach seminars and workshops on these topics.

Some of the “where most needed” gifts help fund that program.

Other funds will be used for:

  • mitigating risks for missionaries by monitoring situations and helping them prepare.

  • developing ministry opportunities in more countries through partnerships.

  • caring for NTM members through training and coaching.

Really Needed

So while it’s tough in an organization the size of NTM to say one thing is “most needed,” there are many important needs, and the generosity of God’s people provides for them.

Will you please pray that God moves hearts to provide for these needs? Pray that God gives wisdom to those who will distribute funds. Would you also please pray about whether God would have you give to this fund?

Make a gift where needed most