Receivers of the Word

“My wife and I have been ‘receivers of the God’s Word’ for many years, attending the church meetings in village … and always participated in the monthly gatherings to celebrate Holy Communion,” Cándido, a Puinave believer shared his testimony. “However, just a few years ago as I listened to some visiting Colombian pastors teach from the Bible, I began to ask my wife, ‘Do you suppose that what we’ve been doing for God is really enoug? Might there be something we’re overlooking?’”

Receivers of the Saviour

It wasn’t long before it became clear what they were overlooking. “Brother Isaías came back to the village after working with Larry

[Richardson] on the translation, and taught us in our language the story of God’s plan of redemption. As I heard His way of salvation explained, I said to my wife, ‘You know what, it’s not about what we do for God, but about what He did for us by sending His Son to be our Saviour!’ Both of us soon put our faith in Him and were finally saved and made acceptable to Him.”

As I listened to some visiting Colombian pastors teach from the Bible, I began to ask my wife, ‘Do you suppose that what we’ve been doing for God is really enough? Might there be something we’re overlooking?’

But the story doesn’t end there. Cándido and his wife were committed, but that commitment was challenged when Cándido’s wife became ill and unexpectedly died. The shock was profound. Missionaries Larry and Sarah Richardson shared that “God had prepared them in such a unique way for this, and now Cándido and his children want to keep on being obedient to Him like he and his wife had agreed they should before she died.”

Staying Committed

554764c6-728e-4ec4-a111-2b57d14f596bAnd he’s done just that. Soon after his wife died, Cándido approached Larry, saying he wanted to stay in town where his wife died “while the sadness passes.”

“The Lord put it in our mind that this would be an opportunity to involve him in the translation process,” wrote Larry and Sarah. “Not only could he be a help with comprehension testing of our draft of the first part of the book of Revelation, but getting his mind on the exalted Lord Jesus would lift his spirits. He instantly took to the idea….”

Larry and Sarah are so thankful, not only for Cándido’s testimony, but for the many hours he’s dedicated to evaluating the initial draft of Revelation. Would you pray right now for Cándido and his children?

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