A missionary shares candidly how God is working in his own family, even through sickness.

Rich and Karen Brown and their family have been battling sickness. First it was malaria. After that came the dengue fever. That last bout has taken four weeks to deal with because the only treatment for it is a lot of liquids and rest.

Rich remembers praying right before the season of sickness. Specifically, he prayed “that God might do whatever it takes in order that we would not have ‘idols’ that would come before Him.”

Rich says he thinks of idols as anything—even something seemingly innocent—that distracts us from being true disciples of Christ.

“I believe,” Rich continues, “that God, in His goodness, is using this sickness for our good. Despite all the illness, we are seeing the Lord us this in our lives. Yes, the thought of relief sounds good, but at the same time, we are praying that we might find contentment with His plan.”

Rich says that at first he hesitated to share this perspective. “Maybe because what we are going through is so little in comparison to the trials of others. Or maybe it’s because I don’t want to come across as needy or to cause undue concern.”

But now, Rich and Karen Brown say that their desire to walk in truth compels them to ask for prayer for their family’s health.

“God has given us the tremendous privilege of sharing our burdens. So, with that having been said, we do ask for your prayers.”