Our hearts ache to serve the many tribal groups begging for missionaries to come to their village and teach them God’s truth. Yet the stark truth remains: We are spread too thin. What Jesus said in Matthew 9:37 is still true today. “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few.”

The Next Generation

How would you handle this? How would you tell tribal groups that there aren’t enough missionaries to serve them? The need for more missionaries heading to the mission field is obvious, but where will this next generation of missionaries come from?

Some will respond to a mission challenge at their church, at a missions conference or even on a college campus.

Some will find their eyes opened and lives changed after going on a short-term mission trip — or by experiencing missions for a week or weekend at the Wayumi campus. Others will be impacted for worldwide missions through personal relationships with missionaries. But what then?

Packing My Packs!

“My idea was that I get my suitcase, pack a few things along with my Bible and go. To where or when I didn’t know,” thought Amelia Orrostieta when she first felt challenged into missions.

But that’s not how it actually went. God used her church leadership to first direct Amelia into missions training to receive essential and foundational training.

That’s where Ethnos360 Bible Institute comes into the picture.Ethnos360 Bible Institute is where education and missions are one. It’s a Bible education like none other.

Over the two-year course, students receive a solid Biblical foundation with a strong emphasis on missions — and earn an Associates Degree in Biblical Studies in the process. And since the teachers are missionaries themselves, their heart for missions can’t help but shine through. In doing so,Ethnos360 Bible Institute itself becomes yet another mobilizing tool in God’s hands.

Meeting the Challenge

In 2015, wouldn’t it be great to be able to respond affirmatively to more requests from tribal people groups to send missionaries to their villages? Pray with us to that end.

Pray for the Wayumi staff in their unique presentation of missions that enables attendees to experience missions, rather than just hear about it.

Pray for the Ethnos360 Bible Institute staff as they challenge students to not only grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word, but to grasp God’s heart for a lost world.

And ultimately, pray for more lives to be challenged into world-wide missions, lives that can then be used by God to reach tribal people groups who are begging for missionaries to come.

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