Tragedy Strikes

In November of 2013, Typhoon Haiyan set its sights on the Philippines where a missionary family had recently settled on one of the small islands.

“The storm is hitting us right now,” they wrote shortly before cell service failed. “Water is pouring in through the walls and windows….”

It was two days before contact was reestablished with the outside world.

Love in Action

Man bringing supplies

“The aftermath of the typhoon was one in which our mission did quite a bit of relief work,” wrote George and Ginny Olson. The Olsons remember that missionary family on the small island and how they played a vital role in assessing needs and distributing relief supplies. The Olsons wrote, “In doing so, they

[the missionary family] became an integral part of the community and developed close relationships with many people.” God had positioned them perfectly and shone through their selfless efforts, softening the hearts of those opposed to their presence in the village.

God’s Love Shared

Rebuilding a house

And now, after four years of culture and language acquisition, after four years of continuing to cultivate meaningful relationships, the missionaries are starting to prepare Bible lessons to share the gospel message with these people.

Please pray with them that lesson preparations would go smoothly and quickly. Pray that soon this people group will hear the gospel message.

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