Tomorrow is going to be a busy, joyful day in a Budik village in Senegal.

Budiks — both believers and others — will gather with area religious and political leaders in the afternoon for the dedication of the New Testament in the Budik language. But the day starts much earlier for those hosting the celebration.

“The day … will begin with the ladies and teen girls hard at work preparing a festive meal—drawing water, cutting up vegetables, getting the rice, vermicelli and sauces ready to cook,” wrote Ken and Kathy Satorius, who worked with the Budiks to prepare the translation.

“The men and boys will gather firewood and be setting up benches, stools and chairs from around the village, taking them up the hill to the churchyard where the cooking and eating will also take place,” the couple wrote.

After a quick change, everyone will assemble again.

“The believers plan to open the service with prayer and then the visitors will be introduced and will be given an opportunity to speak.”

Budik believers will then talk about the impact of God’s Word in their lives. “Some will read from the Word in Budik which will be followed by the same reading in French.”

Of course, the New Testaments will be presented and the Budiks plan to sing some of the Scripture-based songs they have written in past years. And they’ll admonish their fellow Budiks to work at improving their reading skills so they will be able to read and understand God’s Word well.

“Pray that all that is said and done in the service will make God known,” Ken asked.

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