A Totally New World

The Sharpe and Anyan families, including their five children in total, have arrived in Tanzania from the USA and Germany respectively. The heat and humidity, the new language, the new culture, the mosquito netting – nothing really feels “normal” yet.

Beginning to Fit in

Tanzania - Kids Playing

The days have been full since their arrival in Tanzania. Orientation, beginning Swahili language learning, watching their little ones head off to preschool and starting to feel like they “fit” into the Tanzanian culture. The goal? To be ready to reach out to the Tanzanians with the gospel of Christ.

Getting Positioned

The Anyans and Sharpes have placed themselves in these stretching situations in order to position themselves to reach the people of Tanzania. As the culture and language molds the two families, the Tanzanians will be able to really see and listen to them, not as foreigners but as fellow Tanzanians. Pray for the two families as they continue to allow God to change them during their culture and language study.

Keep up with the team as they prepare to minister.