Missionary Scott Phillips is praising God for His powerful work of redemption in many of the Dao people.
Every day for the last two months, the Dao Bible teachers had been teaching stories from the Bible, “the Creator One’s leaf book.”
Twice a day, they shared truth from God’s Word, beginning with creation and continuing through the Old Testament prophets and prophecies about the promised Messiah and the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Creator’s only Son, Yesusi.
During those two months, the teachers encountered many discouragements. Trial after trial, including landslides, illnesses, taunts from other tribes and death threats by sorcery came to test their faith.
“But, by the grace of God,” missionary Scott Phillips writes, “the Dao Bible teachers and their families stayed the course and finished the race. And by His grace, there are now multiple villages and clans who are followers of Jesus.”
Upon their return to their home village, the teachers told Scott, “We wanted to make sure we had done our best; to be sure every single listener understood the story from start to finish. So we took turns teaching all night long through all the Bible stories until our voices were so hoarse that we could barely say a word. … We all smiled to each other because … God’s Word has entered that village and things will never be the same.”
Scott and his wife, Jennie, are praising God along with the Dao Bible teachers for all those who have heard God’s Word and have placed their trust in “the work of Yesusi on the crossed wood.”
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