Jack and Suzie Russell minister among the Simba people of Bolivia. “We’ve all heard, ‘There was no room in the inn.’ We in the Simba ministry have heard recently, ‘There’s no room under the tree!’ That’s exactly what happened in one of the places where Simba minister Felix has been working. The believers there first began meeting under a porch roof, but soon there were too many to fit, so they moved off the porch under a big tree for shade. Well, the number kept growing until they couldn’t all fit under the tree. They decided they would build a large meeting place where they could all meet rain or shine. Although they had no money for materials nor any way to cut the lumber they would need for posts and rafters, they stepped out by faith and began grading and preparing a lot for the building. Through donations from partners of the Simba ministry, we were able to provide a chainsaw, cement and roofing materials for the project. The believers provided the labour, and today there is a large shelter in place along with a kitchen and adobe oven. To celebrate, they decided to have a three-day Bible conference to dedicate the building. They invited several other Simba villages to come. It resulted in over 300 attending. All three full-time Simba ministers participated with the preaching and counselling. In the end, 15 made solid confessions of faith and were baptized. One of the new converts is a very well-known and respected Simba chief.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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