Teamwork Is Needed

Even the Apostle Paul understood the need to have a team working to spread the gospel to all the world. Time and again he reminded his readers of those with whom he travelled, those whom he considered his fellow-bondservants and those who needed prayer as they shared with him the work of the ministry. He mentioned people like Barnabas, Aquila and Priscilla, Epaphroditus and many others — all were part of the team.

Paul Fleming’s Team

Paul Flemming and family

Paul Fleming understood he couldn’t work alone. When he and Cherrill went to British Malaya, they worked with a small team of two families and five singles. After Paul’s illness forced their return to the United States, Paul sought to raise up a team of men and women who would be willing to go to the ends of the earth with the gospel.

In 1942, Paul Fleming, Cecil Dye, Lance Latham and Robert Williams were pulled together by the leading of the Holy Spirit. They met, fasted and prayed, seeking God’s will in how to form a committee to lead and guide those ready to go to the mission field.

New Tribes Mission’s Team

It was in the spring of 1942 when New Tribes Mission formally began.

“The Lord brought it into existence in spite of us. We had no funds, no organization behind us,” Paul Fleming said. “We were just a group of fellows who desired honestly to give our lives for Jesus Christ. We were a group of young men with nothing but faith.”

In 75 years NTM has grown from this team of four to over 3,000. And the goal is still the same: to see a thriving church among every people group in the world. Are you willing to be a part of the team? Pray for teams all over the world as they present the gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached people groups.