Why All the Excuses?

Queen is worried about the people in her village. She can’t understand why some find excuse after excuse not to attend the Bible lessons. She wonders why they don’t grasp the importance of what is being taught.

“Not everyone is going to believe, are they?” she asked missionary to the Nahuatl Katie Moore — and Katie couldn’t disagree.

The Reality of Rejection

For Queen, who has been working with Katie on comprehension checks of the Bible lessons, the importance of these lessons is clear.

This clarity was reinforced as they worked through the lesson about Jesus and Nicodemus and read where Jesus said, “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

The reality of the cost of rejecting God’s Word, of not being born again, was hitting home for Queen.

“Surely some here are rejecting the Light,” she told Katie. “We don’t know how long we will last here, and once we die, we can’t change our minds. Now is the chance for believing.”

The Time Is Now

And now is nearly here.

“By next week our team will be presenting the death and resurrection of the ‘One Whom God promised long ago for saving,’” wrote Katie. “We are asking God to convince hearts and minds of the truth and to bring many to come to know Him.

“Some, like Queen, seem to clearly understand and be burdened for those who might be missing their chance.”

Pray that many Nahuatl will clearly understand the gospel message, and agree with Queen that “now is the chance for believing.”