Two years after receiving the gospel themselves, the Iski believers teamed up with the expat missionaries to present the gospel to their Iski relatives in another village.

But the Iski people are not the only ones attending the Bible lessons. They have been joined by the Kominimun, a people group with a language and culture different from the Iski. There are no missionaries working among the Kominimun, but they want the gospel so badly that they have been begging for missionaries to come to their people. For years, the answer has been, “We don’t have people to send to you. Just wait.” But they don’t want to wait any longer — and for good reason!

That is why thirty bilingual Kominimun have been travelling over an hour each way to hear Bible lessons at the second Iski village. What great lengths they have gone to in order to hear the gospel! How exciting! Pray that many Iski and Kominimun will believe in Jesus and that God will send missionaries to disciple the Kominimun and translate the Scriptures into their language.