Mark and Joyce Cain have ministered for over 40 years among the Guahibo people in Colombia. “The Guahibo Bible is [formatted and being proofread by Mark] and then on to the print shop! God graciously used us for 48 years working in church planting and Bible translation. In spite of civil unrest, sicknesses and now cancer, we give God the glory for allowing us to finish the translation project! It took a team of expatriate and Guahibo missionaries to accomplish this! It is [also] our official retirement date [April 1]! 1973 to 2020 working for the Lord in Colombia, some Venezuela and USA! Mark is weaker than ever but finishing up the questions the proofreaders had, and then it is off to the printers in Bogotá. Thank you for the part you have had in praying and giving to see all this come to a conclusion! To God be the glory.”

Read More About the Guahibo