The pilot’s wife is one of the first to hear how God is at work in people groups where NTM Aviation serves! Jane Keller is one of them. Her husband Zach flies a helicopter in the Philippines.

Jane is dedicated to serving the same missionary families that her husband’s flights support. She says they get “front row seats to what the Lord is doing in places that are otherwise overlooked.”

“One of my jobs as a pilot’s wife is to ‘check-in’ with our tribal works daily as a safety measure,” says Jane. “Because I am in constant contact I am often the first to hear about….

…the new Agta believers rejecting fear-based practices because they are now trusting Jesus.”

…the missionary who has finally reached a level in the Ga’dang language so he can share the Gospel with a dying neighbor in a language she can understand.”

…village kids singing praise songs in their heart language as they go about their day.”

…birthing kits with sterile supplies provided just in time so healthy babies are born at home in little huts, without needing outside medical help.”

…MKs swapping letters, stories and homemade ‘newspapers’ via helicopter. They provide exclusive coverage of the latest village news in every category: action, adventure, comedy and drama.”

…Isnag parents lining up for their copy of a hot-off-the-press Bible story book in their own language. They can take it home to read to their kids — likely the first children’s book they’ve ever owned.”

Isnag mother reading Bible story book

…the Agta man who, when approached by his drinking buddies to join the party, tells them they need to drink from God’s word instead of the gin bottle.”

–the 5-year-old MK, working through Bible lessons with his dad, whose eyes lit up after hearing about Christ’s resurrection, excitedly sharing, ‘I knew Jesus wouldn’t stay dead! I knew it!’”

…Isnag believers hearing newly translated portions of God’s Word for the first time in their own language, initiating Bible studies and reaching out to neighboring villages.”

…new missionaries welcomed to their new village home with coffee, freshly harvested and roasted by their new neighbors.”

Your gift to Missionary Flight Sponsorship assures that stories like these can continue to happen — as people groups hear God’s Word, believe, and become confident disciples of Jesus Christ. Thank you for standing in support of these ministries of Ethnos360 (founded in 1942 as NTM) and its affiliates.

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*This post originally appeared on