A Heart for a People

This story begins in the lowlands of northeastern Colombia. A Colombian church with a heart for the unsaved Guahibo people group in their region made multiple attempts over the years to minister to the Guahibos. Unfortunately, linguistic and cultural barriers left the outreaches ineffective at best.

The Dots Connect

Meanwhile, across the country, God was working in the hearts of José and Janet, Guahibo believers discipled by missionaries Mark and Joyce Cain.

After teaching and discipling for more than 15 years in their home village and in nearby villages, God put the desire in José and Janet’s hearts to go and share the gospel far from their home area.

As José and Janet and the others on the Guahibo missionary team met with the Colombian church, the pastor told them, “We have been praying for a number of years that God would send people who are equipped to teach God’s Word in [the Guahibos’] own language.”

Imagine José and Janet’s joy at hearing those words! José said, “In these days of making this survey trip to check out the possibility of teaching the gospel and plant a church, I see that God answered our prayers.”

And imagine Mark and Joyce Cain’s joy at seeing those they discipled becoming the disciplers.

Discipleship Continues

It goes to show us that discipleship done well progresses to a new generation of discipleship.

It’s exciting to watch this partnership coming together and to hear how José and Janet are working at the edge of the Colombian Church to reach these still unreached Guahibos with the good news of the gospel.

Thank you for praying for these Guahibo missionaries.