Beyond Salvation

Dani, a Manubu’ Bible teacher who was saved about 25 years ago, hasn’t been satisfied with the status quo. The fact that he is saved is not enough. He wants neighbouring villages to know who God is and how He has provided a way for mankind to be made right with Him. That’s why he has been active in evangelistic outreaches for many years. It’s also why he’s now part of a team that’s reaching beyond the edge of their local Manubu’ church to *Kasil.

Beyond the Edge of the Church

Watching a team of their spiritual children begin yet another evangelistic outreach beyond the edge of their church brings joy to Gene and Carol Trudeaus’ hearts. What’s better than seeing those you have discipled become the disciplers? That’s what the Trudeaus have been blessed to see the Manubu’ church become over the years. The Manubu’ believers are now the disciplers.

“The evangelistic phase of the teaching is 42 lessons, starting at Genesis 1:1, so it will take a number of weeks to teach through them,” explained Gene and Carol. And the Manubu’ missionary team is committed to doing just that. “Through those lessons they [the *Kasil villagers] will learn Who God is, … [their] lost condition before Him and [their] need for a Saviour as illustrated through substitutionary death in the Old Testament.”

Knowing the villagers of *Kasil are sitting under chronological and foundational teaching is exciting. But there’s a day coming that will be beyond exciting. That’s the day when they understand what it means when Jesus is referred to as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

Pray for this and other Manubu’ churches as they continue to reach beyond the edge of their churches, and pray for the *Kasil villagers to grasp that the Lamb of God has taken away the sin of the world — including theirs!