Lindy and Carol Drake along with Barry and Denise Spor minister among the Guanano people in Brazil and Colombia. “Praise the Lord with us! There has been a response to the gospel message shared in Puerto Colombia by the Guanano Bible teachers. According to Orlando and the other Bible teachers, they believe that there are ten people who have given clear testimony of faith in Christ alone for salvation. As they heard words of faith being expressed, they wrote down a list of names. Some testimonies were not so clear and required more teaching and clarification. …. The cool thing is [that] these are young people who have their lives in front of them. The older generation resisted the message, clinging to their unsaved lifestyle and animistic practices or other religious beliefs. Nine of the ten immediately followed through with baptism. One wanted to wait until he understood that step better. There are couples who can grow in their understanding of God’s truth and support each other. The new believers participated in a service of singing, expressing thanks to God for their salvation. Orlando accepted an offer to come up to Puerto Colombia on Sundays and teach the new believers as they have so much to learn. Please continue to pray for these newborn believers.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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