Punan women are meeting every day to listen to evangelistic Bible lessons taught by missionary Rachel Searcy. For some the lessons are completely new while others have heard a few lessons but not the complete series.

Last week Rachel finished the teaching on the birth and calling of Moses, and the Punan ladies are beginning to see the truth of God’s Word. One of the women, Lahe, told her, “I know what you are teaching is true. You are right; I didn’t think it was true before. … But I know this is the truth.”

Recently Rachel met with another group of Punans to translate the book of Acts into the Punan language. The group was able to translate 800 verses of Scripture in a short time.

At the beginning two believers promised to work for three days. Rachel and her co-workers began drafting the final chapters of Acts. On the third day, they were finishing chapter 26 when one of the believers said, “I have got to see how Paul gets all the way to Rome. Let’s work after church tomorrow and finish this.” So they worked one more day and finished the first draft of Acts.

Pray for Rachel as she teaches and translates among the Punan people. Pray also that the Punan ladies who are hearing evangelistic Bible lessons will understand and accept God’s Truth.