Where does Ethnos Canada have opportunities for teachers?

You’ll find opportunities everywhere missionaries serving with Ethnos missionaries: Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific, as well as North America, Europe and Australia. Locations vary, from isolated jungles to bustling cities, hot lowlands to cool mountainsides, and lush rainforests to arid areas. The climate varies accordingly. Most locations offer gorgeous scenery. All provide great opportunity for cultural awareness and enrichment.

How much financial support will I need?

Monthly support levels vary from country to country and do not include travel expenses to and from the country of service. We recommend that you arrive on location with one month’s support in hand. Singles or widows: $1,500-$2,500. Married couples: $2,500-3,500. Add $200 per preschool child and $450 per school-age child.

Where will I live?

In most countries, furnished housing will be provided for you. Missionaries pay rent to maintain these apartments or homes. In other locations, missionaries will assist you in finding a suitable apartment or house to rent.

Will I be required to learn a foreign language?

In most cases associates do not need to learn another language in order to perform their ministries. Depending on the length of your term of service, you may be required to learn the national culture and language as a part of your on-field orientation. We’ll make expectations clear to you before you apply. All instruction in schools for children is in English.

What types of educational programs are available for my children?

Most associates use our boarding schools or inter-mission boarding schools as day schools since they live near the school centre. Some families in a village setting home-school their children. Clusters of families, living in the same location, may form a home-school cooperative.

What if I have been divorced and/or remarried?

A couple with divorce in their backgrounds will be considered for serving in Ethnos if divorce and remarriage took place prior to salvation. A divorced single person whose spouse has died will be considered for service in Ethnos. For more information, please contact us.

What size are the schools?

Our largest school has more than 200 students. The typical size is 40 to 50 students. Home-school cooperatives have five to 15 students. Enrolment at inter-mission schools ranges from 50 to 700 students.

Will equipment, supplies and materials be available for my ministry?

Generally, supplies and materials are available, although they may differ from what is commonly found in Canada.

When should I arrive on the field?

We advise arriving in the country where you will serve two to four weeks before your assignment begins.

Am I required to attend any training?

An orientation is required. It is held in Ontario.

What other ministry opportunities will I have?

Depending on the location, you may have opportunities to participate in local outreach, but such involvement will be limited by your fluency in the national language. During ministry breaks, we encourage you to visit church planting teams in order to experience firsthand our passion and vision for taking the gospel to unreached people groups.

What if I’ve struggled in the past with moral issues?

By God’s grace, as we submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, He conforms us over time to the image of Jesus Christ. Admission coaches will work with you to determine your readiness to serve with Ethnos.

How do I get started?

Contact us using the form below, let us know how you’re interested in serving with Ethnos Canada. An application coach will get back to you soon:

Fill out my online form.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us or call us toll free 844-855-6862.