Paul McDole, asks for prayer for his young friend, Sony.

Sony is a young man of 25 years. Missionary Paul McDole says that when God’s Word was first brought to his village in 2003, Sony was one of the first to respond to the Gospel.

A few years after coming to faith, a severe problem in his leg began to plague Sony. Soon he could walk only with the help of crutches. The doctors he saw in the city recommended surgery and the missionaries agreed this was the best option for Sony.

But pressure from family members prevented Sony from having the operation. One uncle even burned all of Sony’s medical records to prevent it.

Sony struggled to make a living with the challenge of getting around on crutches. This burden was something he prayed about. One day he decided he should throw his crutches away. At first, Paul says, Sony limped badly, but in time, his leg seemed to strengthen. Soon he was able to lead a fairly normal life.

But Sony’s trials were not over. Several years ago, without his permission or desire, family members schemed to arrange a marriage for him. This was not something that Sony desired, but cultural guidelines allowed him no alternative to going through with the marriage.

His new wife was 15 years old. “She had never heard the message of salvation,” Paul McDole shares. “In the first years, she was pregnant twice, but lost both babies.”

Although she was not a believer, Sony’s wife eventually began to attend the meetings where God’s Word was being taught. Things were looking up.

Then, recently, Sony and his wife had an argument. Sony’s wife ran away into the night. In the morning, Sony went looking for her. Paul says, “He found her in a nearby town with some friends of bad reputation.”

Sony was troubled and upset. He decided to divorce his wife.

“He came to us for advice, just after returning from the town,” Paul shares. Although the Scripture is not yet translated into his language, Paul was able to explain and teach what God’s Word says about husbands loving their wives as Christ loved the church.

Sony, as a result, decided to try again on his marriage. “Since then we have seen an improvement in their relationship. Praise the Lord!” Paul writes.

Sony is one of two young men who appear to be high potential leaders for the local church, Paul notes. Little wonder then, that trials are hitting him hard and frequently. “Over the last couple weeks,” Paul adds, “we have been able to teach the crucifixion of our Lord and His resurrection. For some like Sony’s wife, this is the first time they have heard the message of salvation … We are looking to the Holy Spirit to convict hearts of their sin and show them the love of our Saviour.”

Pray for Sony and his wife. Pray for God to strengthen Sony’s faith and give him the grace to continue to love his wife as Christ loved the church. Pray that this self-sacrificing love will be used by God to soften her heart toward the teaching of God’s Word. Pray that God will unite this young couple in faith and give them a powerful ministry and testimony in their village.

Please pray also for the teaching of God’s Word in the Buru language. Pray for the Buru translation team—that God will encourage and help them powerfully as they work faithfully on the task He has given them. Pray that God’s faithful work will continue among the Buru people for His eternal glory and their highest good.