Missionary Jen Rabe is living among the Diola people of Senegal to learn the culture and language.

She uses every opportunity to bond with the people and build relationships. Recently the ladies of the village went fishing so Jen tagged along.

“It was an awesome experience,” Jen wrote, “we walked for an hour to reach the fishing place and then I watched them fish – which was completely different from what I’d ever done.”

Jen took the challenge to try fishing “their way.” With a friend’s baby strapped to her back she bent over and put a basket in the water the way Diola ladies do. The water is so muddy it’s hard to walk through but the Diola ladies reach in and retrieve fish – but since they can’t see in the water they often get pinched by crabs. Jen does not have that fishing technique mastered yet.

Jen is now studying language for five hours each day. She has two language helpers, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. She has finished phase three of language learning and is working on level four.

Soon she will be able to begin her ministry among the Diolas. Pray for Jen as she studies the culture and language.

“Please pray for this village, wrote Jen. “For the past few weeks, they’ve been having several animistic ceremonies. More than normal. They are so trapped by Satan’s lies. In spite of this, there are a few who have shown interest in the Bible. Pray that God would grow their interest. Pray for wisdom for us as well.”