Relationships are Vital

In our time-and-task-oriented North American culture, it’s good to have a celebration like Valentine’s Day, a day to focus on people and relationships. Relationships are vital to healthy, happy lives, so of course they’re vital in ministry. And when it comes right down to brass tacks, ministry is all about one relationship: a vibrant and vital relationship with Jesus Christ.

Relationships are the Beginning

That’s where a missionary’s ministry begins. All they do — at least, all they do that matters — flows from that relationship with Christ. Before they ever reach the place they will serve, they must build relationships with people who will pray for them, and who will give to fund their work.

From the moment they arrive among an unreached people, they are building relationships. Learning the culture and language takes place in relationships. Missionaries develop friendships with those who help them understand their ways and their words, and with those who help translate portions of the Bible, and ensure that lessons are clear.

Relationship is the End

Clear lessons unfold the Word of God and present God in the way He unveiled Himself to the people of Israel: one step at a time, from Creation all the way to Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. And that lays the foundation not simply for salvation, but for discipleship — for an ongoing, growing relationship with Christ.

Effectively making disciples among the world’s unreached people groups begins and ends with relationships. So think about a missionary with whom you have a relationship. Pray that they are faithful to daily develop their relationship with Christ. Pray that Christ works through them to powerfully impact all those around them. Pray that they keep a proper perspective on the tasks that must be done and the time that it takes to do them.

Don’t have a relationship with a missionary?

check out some blogs and find one
