When gold is washing up on the banks of rivers, most people think of history long past and tall tales. Maybe the Wild West or the gold rush of California comes to mind. In some parts of the world, it still happens. In the Asia-Pacific region, gold is being discovered and some Punans are reaping its benefits.

However, not everyone is partaking. A Punan man addressed his church one Sunday morning with his opinion on the matter.

“Hamun shared … about doing God’s work first and trusting that the Lord will provide; not focusing on supplying earthly needs and doing the Lord’s work on the side,” Rachel Searcy wrote.

Rachel is working with faithful Punans to continue the teaching and comprehension checks, but there is a shortage of people who want to listen and tell her the meaning of what they hear.

“The village is mostly empty right now since everyone is after gold or still planting in their rice fields,” Rachel wrote.

Rachel was asked by some Punans from a neighboring village if she would come to help their church get involved in the translation process as well. Rachel made sure to ask if there would be committed people there to help her.

“It means printing up all the material we will be working on since I won’t have power for my computer,” Rachel wrote. “But I will be thrilled if the church there … will get excited about the Word of God.”

Rachel also traveled to another local village for an inter-tribal church fellowship. “I was blessed by our study of Acts 4:1-22,” Rachel Searcy wrote. “Even though the group was small this time, I praise the Lord for those who set aside the time to come.”

Rachel still has hope for the village she is currently working with. The studies she provides for the Punans have been successful and she is encouraged by their eagerness to learn.

Please pray that the Punans won’t get too caught up in the gold rush, or working in the rice fields, but will, as Hamun said, be willing to do God’s work first and learn to trust that He will provide. Also pray that Rachel will remain dedicated and optimistic as she continues her work in the villages.