The Sekadau church appears to have resolved problems that were hindering their fellowship and growth.

It took an intense time of meeting daily with families and hearing their concerns. Missionaries Ron and Nita Berglund needed to make more than one visit to some of the believers in order to get past some of the hard feelings they were experiencing, but eventually all parties were able to meet together for mutual forgiveness and acceptance.

“It was very obvious that the Holy Spirit did an important work in the hearts of the people who humbly confessed their needs to one another and expressed love and forgiveness,” the Berglunds wrote.

On their last night in the village the Berglunds attended a church fellowship with more than 70 people. The people shared testimonies until after 10 p.m. of how God was working in their hearts.

Please pray that the believers will be able to maintain their fellowship and that their focus will return for an outreach that had to be interrupted while the believers’ problems were sorted out and dealt with.