Outreach to another Sekadau village has been put on hold while the believers sort out some problems that have arisen in the church.

Church leaders from neighboring tribes have been asked to help sort through the issues and hopefully bring reconciliation.

“The problems that have come up are really just symptoms of some more basic problems in the people’s hearts,” wrote missionary Paul Gervasi.

Being at a standstill in the outreach has allowed another religious group to lay claim to this village, though they are not actively pursuing ministry there.

“That will have to be sorted out once our team is able to concentrate on outreach again,” wrote Paul. “I feel that this is a strategy from our enemy to keep folks from hearing the Gospel.”

“Our team and the believers in our area need to be able to focus on reaching the lost. Our enemy will do whatever he can to keep this from happening.”

Please pray that the Lord will give wisdom to those who are dealing with the situation, and that God will work in hearts to bring peace to the believers and a renewed commitment to take the Gospel to those who desperately need its message.