Missionaries Jerry and Joyce McDaniels equip missionary candidates in Bolivia to teach literacy.

This is an essential step in preparing new missionaries for the field. Literacy is an important part of making strong believers and churches, since those who can read God’s Word for themselves are able to access what He says at any time, and are less prone to be swayed by false teaching.

Jerry and Joyce wrote that in class they cover “how missionary teams can be working toward literacy even in those first months of language study, how to motivate people to want to learn to read and how to analyze the language information to decide what order to introduce letters.”

The students are doing well. “Next week each student will teach one of their literacy lessons to the class using the blackboard exercises, flashcards, writing practice and comprehension questions,” the McDaniels wrote. “So they are beginning to sweat! It’s kind of nice to be the teachers and not the students!”

Please pray that the students continue to learn what they need to effectively serve God.