Moving into a remote jungle village can be a logistical nightmare — especially for a family of five. When you add a shortage of aviation fuel to the mix, it gets even more complicated.

Can you imagine planning a move with two very different scenarios? One could be considered easy: flying all your possessions into the village. The other involves an arduous trip by river and trail, limiting the supplies you can take with you.

A Journey 10 Years in The Making

Logistical nightmare or not, for Jevon and Danica Rich, missionaries in Brazil, this move was an answer to prayer — ten years of prayer.

They tried to be patient as they waited to see whether fuel would be available for the move-in flights — and as dates were set and then discarded. They quit keeping track of how many times they packed, unpacked, and packed again. The excitement of seeing God working out the impossible was intertwined with the stress brought on by disrupted plans.

The Final Flight

And then their miracle happened. Aviation fuel was made available and the move-in flights became a reality. Three days of flights followed — three wonderfully exhausting days of miraculous flights.

Jevon pointed out to his wife that miraculous did not mean without sweat. “I can testify to that,” Danica wrote. “I saw the sweat pouring off his face and his shirt, dripping as if he had taken a dunk in the river, but he hadn’t.”

As the last flight was unloaded, there was no ordering in pizza to celebrate. There was no pizza place. No local grocery. No coffee house. Jevon and Danica were beginning a new life in a remote jungle village without the luxuries of civilization. But they were excited.

Let the Ministry Begin

“Rejoice with us,” Jevon and Danica wrote, “but also pray for us, for the boost of strength and energy that we need in our bodies, minds, and spirits. … Pray that we will be able to get our house in order super fast so that we can focus more on getting to know people.”

That’s what moving in is really about. It’s about beginning the next chapter of life in service to a people group who do not know the Lord, precious souls who need to know the Savior.

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