Specialized Training Required

Consider the time and effort expended to plant a church right here in North America — within the context of our own language and our own culture — and then imagine how that time and effort would be compounded when planting a church across cultural and linguistic boundaries. NTM missionary Debbie Burgett wrote that “planting a church in an unreached people group is a gruelling marathon, not a quick sprint. And that means specialized training for the long distance will not be quick either.” So what’s involved in this marathon?

Training, Training and More Training!

missionary training campus in Ontario, CanadaThat’s where NTM’s missionary training program, Emanate, comes in. They offer an 18-month course which prepares and equips believers to serve as career missionaries either in planting churches in a cross-cultural setting or in a role supporting church planting. The preparation is a warm up to the marathon.

Though the initial training received is in-depth, it can’t possibly prepare missionaries for every eventuality that arises. That’s where the marathon comes in.

A marathon of workshops and seminars taught by missionary consultants provides ongoing assistance and education. Sometimes these workshops and seminars are held at one of NTM’s facilities in North America; other times they are held in the country where the missionary is serving.

Consultants also make “house calls,” travelling to remote villages to provide evaluations for missionaries at various times during each stage of ministry, whether that be culture and language acquisition, translation, literacy or church planting. These evaluations give missionaries an objective look at their progress and a roadmap of where they are on their marathon.

Availability Goes a Long Way

student in missionary training programMore runners are needed for the marathon of missions. It’s a race like none other. There are many challenges, but also many blessings. You know, God doesn’t need our ability; He needs our availability. Once we’re available, the training exists to prepare and equip. As obstacles or challenges present themselves along the way, there are those consultants ready to make “house calls.” It’s a team effort.

So what about it? What about you? Are you ready to train for the job of your life?  Check out NTM’s training.