Missionary Naomi Christenson has seen prayer work.

“The church here in our little Sekadau village has about 50 attendees,” Naomi wrote. “This church has been here for years but due to lack of Bible teaching in their heart language, it has failed to really grow spiritually.”

Very few believers have stepped up to lead the church. An even smaller number of believers have taught in nearby Sekadau villages where they have not heard God’s Word.

“I’ve been challenged recently to pray,” she wrote. “To pray for the men and women to put the Lord first in their lives. That they would desire to grow spiritually. … For men to begin to want to be a part of teaching God’s Word in surrounding villages.”

Last week, Ke’ Dian, a believer from Naomi’s village, taught the Bible to a small group of 11 in a nearby village.

“He did a really good job, clearly teaching God’s Word and taking time to engage the small group… It’s amazing to see such a swift answer to prayer,” Naomi wrote.

Please pray that the Sekadau people will continue to grow spiritually and share their beliefs with others.