Monday: “We have been in the process of locating an airplane in Brazil for many years.

[Then] last November one of our missionaries flew a [Cessna] 206 down to Brazil,” wrote missionaries Jeff and Jackie Schaa. Since then, paperwork issues have kept the plane grounded. But now the Schaas tell us that “the paperwork is there and we are praying for the importation to become a reality so this plane can begin to serve in Brazil.” Could you pray with them to that end? Read More …

Tuesday: “We are currently on loan to Moody Aviation [in Spokane, Washington],” wrote Dan and Laura Swanson. “We are passionate about training up a new generation of missionaries and seeing them thrive overseas. … As important as the flight and maintenance training is, there is also a huge need to help them grow in the ‘soft’ skills – their interpersonal relationships, relationships with the Lord, etc.” Pray for Dan and Laura as they interact with the students. Read More …

Wednesday: The week spent in Lakeland, Florida, at the Sun N Fun airshow was busy, sweaty – but a great opportunity. Josh and Erin Verdonck, along with the rest of their NTM Aviation team, were able to show the benefits of the Kodiak aircraft. Pray as this Kodiak aircraft is headed to Papua New Guinea at the end of this summer. Read More …

Thursday: “This week while Zach was doing a routine inspection on the helicopter, he found a ‘crack’ on the tip of the rotor where the blade is starting to ‘delaminate.’ This ½ inch crack might seem insignificant, but it is actually a very big deal and the helicopter is now grounded until the rotor blades are replaced,” reported the missionary pilot’s wife, Jane Keller. Until the blades are replaced, it means a long and difficult trip over land or sea for some missionaries. Pray that no emergencies would arise in the interim and for the replacement blades to arrive soon! Read More …

Friday: Joel and Missy Davis, a missionary pilot family in the Philippines, understand what risk is and are willing to take risks for God. “Risk is only risk to us because we don’t really know the outcome,” Joel says. “We need people who are willing to live risky lives for the cause of Christ. Yes, there are risks, but the rewards are greater. … Will you join us?” Watch the video …