
Katie Moore is part of the Nahuatl team in Mexico. She was talking with Andrea, one of the new believers, a few days before she left for a short break. Katie said, “Dreams are very important to the Nahuatl people, and they often find meaning, signs, or omens in what they see while they sleep.” After Andrea recounted a dream, she asked Katie what it could mean. Katie responded with, “I reminded Andrea that God is the author of Truth. … Anything we think or dream or feel must be compared to what God says. If it ‘truly matches’ what God says, it is true, but if it has even a little bit of a lie, we must be careful.” Read the whole dream story.

  • Pray for the Nahuatl church and for wisdom for Katie.


As Aimee Hedrick readjusts to her place of ministry, she is doing quite well. Having been gone for a year, the whole team is having to clean and fix the houses while enjoying the fellowship of Tigak brothers and sisters. One of the tasks that has fallen to Ned Beall is to purchase needed batteries for their solar electric systems. Ned travelled to another town for the new batteries for the Beall house and Aimee’s. One of the realities was whether he would be able to purchase them, bring them back (via a boat for three hours + a van for six hours + a boat for 30 minutes), and get them installed. Read more from the team.

  • Pray for the Tigak team as they readjust to Tigak life.


For Joel and Andi McMartin, the choice of a school is not a cut-and-dried decision. In West Africa, there are not that many choices. Andi said, “We know at some point we will need to switch them from French back into English. … There is a British missionary school not far from us that takes day students from the towns nearby. We felt like it would be a good fit and decided to apply.” In the end, the boys are not able to attend this school. Read the full story of Andi’s struggle and victory

  • Pray for missionaries as they look to the Lord for the educational needs of their children.


Originally Norbert Huebner didn’t think he was suited for missions, and instead worked successfully in the IT world. But a number of years ago while on a missions trip, he learned that his skills were very much needed in missions. With no good options for computer repair in that country, leadership had asked one of the church planters to step out of his role in order to fix computers for the other missionaries. Norbert says, “Meeting this guy challenged me because I was thinking, ‘My background is electronics and computing. I can repair computers. And if I would replace him, he could go back into church planting.’” God used that experience to challenge Norbert to serve Him in missions. See IT needs around the world.

  • Pray that God would lead more professionals to use their skills in IT in missions.


Rebecca, a Canadian, said, “I finally saw the neurologist and was given the results of the MRI that I had in April. This was the first MRI I had since starting on medication for multiple sclerosis, and I was pretty nervous to hear if the meds were actually working or not. I was very relieved and thrilled to hear that my MS is stable and that I have no new lesions on my brain, so I can just keep going as I have been. I’m very thankful that I don’t have to start back at square one again. As it looks now, there shouldn’t be any physical reason why I can’t return to Papua New Guinea for a few months in 2019.” Help fund the Mengen New Testament Translation.

  • Pray for Rebecca as she battles MS and still works on translation.

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