
Ernest and Tina Jones minister with OffGrid Tech in Missouri. Regarding their seminars, he said, “We have 22 hours of lecture/discussion and 15 hours of hands-on labs. On [the last] afternoon, we do a question and answer time and some optional lectures and labs on propane, solar cooking/hot water and cooler houses in the tropics. We usually only have one seminar a year but this year we are having two. Our next one will be going on August 20-24.” Read more about OffGrid Tech.

  • Pray for this ministry to missionaries.


The new Ethnos360 Aviation Journal is hitting mailboxes soon. In it are articles about the need for a helicopter program in Brazil and how our existing flight programs are supporting church planting and medical work in South East Asia. Read the new Aviation Journal.

  • Pray for the work of Ethnos360 Aviation around the world.


Brian and Katherine Schaadt minister with Ethnos360 Aviation in the Philippines. In that ministry, there is no such thing as a set schedule, as much as that would be a nice thing to have. Brian said, “As a missionary pilot/mechanic there are many things that can change the plans you had for that day, including someone in your family with appendicitis, all-day power outages or a good friend needing council. … That I cannot fulfill my plan for the day can tend to frustrate me, except I am reminded that God is the One who orchestrates each day and allows me to be a part of His plans.” Read Brian’s blog for his thoughts on flexibility.

  • Pray for pilots and mechanics as they assist in getting the gospel to the unreached.


Joel and Andi McMartin minister in West Africa. Andi said, “We have been building up for the past six months for these next few weeks. Soon we have meetings with many of our church planting teams to discuss strategy. After that we are off to our field-wide conference. We have people coming in from all over West Africa. It has been so fun watching them come and connecting with them as they arrive. It is a little like a big family reunion as many of these folks don’t see each other except during these gatherings every three years.” Read Andi’s thoughts about the upcoming weeks.

  • Pray for the conference to be a blessing and encouragement to the West African missionaries.


Leah Joslyn ministers in West Africa. As she is forming friendships, she has been exposed to some troubling cultural views. For instance, she was discussing prayer with members of the dominant religion. One young man said that he could repeat the prayers, but when Joslyn asked him if he could understand what they were saying or if he could translate it into French or Susu, he could not. Joslyn said, “It is really sad that they are just doing something because they were told to, but they have absolutely no understanding of the truth or of the significance behind [what they do]. Please pray that God will make a way for them to hear and understand the truth of who He is.” Help missionaries by providing tools for language learning.

  • Please pray that God will make a way for them to hear and understand the truth of who He is.

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