

Looking for a way to make sure your missionary is taken care of and can focus on the work you have sent them out for? One way is to help fill all the support roles that go into making sure your missionary can do their job well! Maybe you’ve never thought about advertising job openings on behalf of your missionary, but when there are gaps in the support roles providing for them on the field, it makes it harder for them to do their work. As we’ve all had to take a break from “normal,” you or someone you know might be ready to consider taking a step in a different direction. As many re-evaluate the investments they’re making in life, they may awaken to a desire to invest their lives in what God is doing around the world in missions. Spreading the word within your church and personal networks may very well be just what someone needs to realize that God has a role for them on the mission field. Make this a matter of prayer as we “go and make disciples.”

Help fill the gaps. Consider how your skills could be used in the following roles.

  • Writer/Editor (Canada or USA)
  • Elementary School Teachers
  • High School Teachers
  • Accountant/Finance Office Personnel
  • Pilots (Helicopter and Airplane)
  • Aviation Mechanic
  • IT (USA and Overseas)
  • Nurses (USA and Overseas)
  • Construction/Maintenance
Get Involved

Ethnos Canada missionary, Matt Gunther teaching new missionaries in a classroom


Emanate, the missionary training program of Ethnos Canada, is accepting applications for our fall 2021 intake.

If you or someone you know is interested in church planting among unreached people groups, this training is second to none.

Teaching from field-proven theory, our trainers teach from firsthand experience.

Amidst many changes and a healthy dose of uncertainty, two facts remain clear. First, making disciples of all nations is still Jesus Christ’s explicit mandate, not merely our idea. Second, His messengers still need to be equipped to push through obstacles and make the precious gospel clear to a desperate and needy world.

Please join us in praying for more labourers. The fields are already white for harvest.

Apply to Be Equipped Today



This article comes from Carolyn Crockett. She and Steve, her husband, minister among the Moi people of the Asia-Pacific Region.

There’s a baby here named “DabuMina” meaning “WednesdayTalk”. Interesting name, yes, but the mom named him that after the day of the week that the ladies gather in their own individual hamlets and read God’s Word, pray and sing together. In a culture where women are considered possessions and often treated cruelly, the Moi women in general have become passionate about God’s Word. I love taking turns going between the hamlets and participating in their discussions of God’s Word. As we sit around in their smokey huts, I often find myself gazing at different women, floored by their love and understanding of God’s Word, and in spite of such poor, simple living conditions, they exude joy in the Lord! They do see the Lord and His Word as their source of hope.

“I think it’s good to know how to read God’s Word so that we can know the Creator’s talk and get His truth straight from His Word. If we just rely on our own thoughts, it will be crooked. If we take it from the Creator’s talk, it won’t be crooked. It will just be true. Because the Creator made His talk to be truth, we can get truth from His leaf (book).”
— by Iyodotabo