

The Dinangat people group received the gospel years ago. Koen and Anne-Laure Verdonck, support missionaries in Papua New Guinea, reported the following: “The kids at that time have grown into adults now, and they wanted to hear the teaching again. Nineteen young people came to know the Lord and have been baptized. One of the young women comes from village S, where the believers would have liked us to go to do teaching, but the people did not want the gospel there. We hope that the Lord will open the door there now.” Pray that God would draw these dear people to Himself. Then another Dinangat village asked for the gospel teaching. This is very good news, as they also did not want to hear it before. Now village S is surrounded by villages that have believers. They will be surrounded with prayers as well. We hope that they, too, will want to listen one day.



Our spiritual family is growing! R is a Tepehuan friend who has had a terrible time in her life. We have known R since she was a child. Her story is filled with tremendous suffering, both from her wrong choices and from evil men. Yet, although her story is filled with a lot of challenges, Jesus is redeeming R! Just before we left, R found Starr. She bemoaned that we were leaving, as she wanted to continue to learn how to read. Starr left her with evangelistic audio lessons on her phone. That was in January. R reached out to Starr last week and told her that she had listened to all 39 lessons. Those lessons tell the story from Genesis to the ascension of Christ in Acts 1. R proclaims that she is trusting in Christ. How can I help you understand who she is and what this means? Her poverty, her depravity, her deep needs from wounds and hurts: read the gospels and watch the broken and destitute who come to Jesus. R would fit right in! Would you pray for R? A new life. So tender, so beautiful, so needy of care! 

— by Matt and Starr Arnold
Itinerant ministry to the Tepehuan, Mexico