Brian and Alicia Martin serve on the Member Care Team of Ethnos Canada. Member Care is a comprehensive and customized ministry of assisting missionaries in preparing for the field, adjusting to the field, establishing sustainable ministries on the field, and also transitioning back to life in Canada for home assignment, retirement, or new chapters — whether unexpected or planned. One of the things they do is help missionaries process their experiences and their challenges through debriefs and stress assessments, particularly through uncertain seasons such as the current one we’re all facing. It’s been said that people don’t learn from experiences alone; they learn from reflecting on those experiences. Missionaries have a lot of new experiences and unexpected challenges that require time and space, along with a caring and listening ear, to adequately process and even grow from them. Brian and Alicia’s goal is to ensure that missionaries feel cared for and supported by Ethnos Canada, bringing glory to God and demonstrating to the world Jesus’ love.