Jerry and Joyce McDaniels minister as International Literacy Coordinators. “Last week Joyce had the joy of doing another Bible study on Zoom with the Kuna ladies in Panama. The study went on for more than two hours as no one wanted the time to end! How thankful we are for these ways to reach out and strengthen the church, ways that we might not have considered before, and the Kuna churches are using all the resources to reach out too. One of the ladies in the Zoom study is calling friends in other Kuna villages. Her Bible study messages have reached a Kuna village that was resistant to the gospel for decades, and a group there is growing in the faith. So as we are working away at our desks, making the most of many opportunities until travel is once again possible, God’s Word continues to go out. We have meetings this week with our leadership team to make plans on the literacy training videos (a huge project that was postponed last year because of restrictions). We are also working on the Literacy Manual revision and the images that teams use for literacy and Bible study materials. Please pray for God’s wisdom and creativity in each of these.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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