Matt and Starr Arnold minister itinerantly among the Tepehuan people of Mexico. “After years of patiently teaching and encouraging our [Tepehuan] friends, we witnessed the Spirit of God at work. We witnessed five courageous believers choosing to stand together. The Northern Tepehuan number about 9,000. Among those 9,000 there is a small handful of Jesus followers who are now seeking first the Kingdom of God. What an honour it was for Starr and me to be a part of the first-ever meeting of Tepehuan believers to discuss how they could both be the body of Christ and shine the light of the gospel into their society! There is another handful of believers scattered around the mountainside, holding on for dear life, with whatever they can find. Not only did I sense the Spirit challenging them, but also us! It was as if He was whispering, ‘How can you help them?’ Pray for our continued involvement through visits and curriculum development.”