Canadians Grant and Marianne Bayfield minister among the Manobo people of the Philippines. “We now have three literacy classes going each day, two ladies’ classes and one men’s class, with a total of nineteen students. And the seven teachers are graduates from the first literacy classes. Both teachers and students are learning a lot, and the teachers are gaining confidence. Some of the men are being discipled by Grant to prepare for being Bible teachers, and Grant is hoping that a new evangelistic Bible study in the village can be kicked off soon so these teachers can start practicing. There are new people living in the village who have not yet listened to the foundational Bible teaching from Genesis through to the Cross. Pray for the new literacy students to learn well and push on when it gets hard. Since the first main use of their skills involves reading God’s Word for themselves in their own language, Satan constantly tries to discourage and distract them to hinder their progress.” Connect with Grant and Marianne.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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