Jeremy and Kimberly Wardlaw minister in Senegal, West Africa. “We have been here a year and we have seen God’s faithfulness proved from one challenge to the next. Praise God, He was not surprised by any of it and has used everything for our good and, we pray, for His glory. Two essential elements of our integration process have been our host church and host family. They are helping us understand the qualities required for a vibrant faith in this context, that is dominated by the majority religion and many misunderstandings of Christianity. If you planted a Canadian maple tree here, I do not think it would survive long but there is a massive tree here called the Baobab which does quite well though it is a semi-arid ecosystem. I guess you could say, we are learning how to be Baobab believers. Pray for our host church and host family as they help us take on the qualities required for an effective long-term ministry here.” Connect with Jeremy and Kimberly.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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