Rachel Chapman ministers among the Nahuatl people of Mexico. “For years, we [my co-worker Katie and I] have been praying for boldness for the believers. In their culture, no one wants to stand out or call attention to themselves. When we began to invite the believers to help lead worship and prayer time during church, they embraced it and have been taking turns leading all summer! Then, when Katie and I announced that we would be gone for a short time to the USA, they were not fazed to be meeting without us. And five of them agreed to take turns leading the Bible study while we are gone. We see God’s Spirit at work in their lives, equipping them and giving them boldness! So, please pray with us as the Nahuatl church continues to meet on their own and pray that they would continue to grow in boldness and confidence and [that] they would more and more rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in their lives.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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