Returning missionaries found that some Gaviao believers are standing strong in the face of pressure.

As missionaries Arnie and Diane Kitchener return to their work among the Gaviao people of Brazil, they are encouraged by the warm and helpful welcome.

Their friends from the village came out with the village truck to make their trip into the village more convenient.

It was a tremendous blessing—and a lot of fun—having friends from their home in the USA come down with them to help clean their house up and clear the jungle overgrowth.

While there was twice the normal population to pay homage after the death of a Gaviao man, it was a great time to reconnect with many from other villages.

It was hard to return to face the death of this dear brother but they found themselves so encouraged by how the other believers responded.

While some focused on the powerful sorcerers that they believe cause sickness and death, the believers focused on what God is doing, keeping their trust wholly in Him.

Some in the dead man’s family followed the cultural custom of preparing food for the visita da alma, which by definition is the belief that the dead person’s soul comes for a visit.

The believers, however, focused on the life of faith lived out by the one who had gone home to be with his Lord. Fond memories were shared about how he was a servant to his family and community.

This special event lasted for four days. Everyone was well fed and no one fought. The men and women took turns cooking for everyone. There was even a fun log race.

There has been tension with some loggers, Arnie and Diane hear, and even word that a sorcerer would be hired to cause more sickness and death.

Some have been afraid while others testify of trusting that God would be their protection because of His faithfulness to them as believers. They have chosen to turn to His Word and stand firm.

Those who are involved with Arnie from other villages where he has discipleship and teaching times came by for a visit. Some of the women asked to be taught the Word on a regular basis.

Some have taken it upon themselves to go to other villages and teach. The brother of the one who passed on into eternity is starting a series of lessons on the book of Ephesians.

There were literacy students coming by to read the book of John so that they could get their new Bibles free.

So many exciting things have happened that Arnie and Diane were privileged to return to; they could only have hope for those who have not chosen to believe yet.

Let’s continue to pray that God would do a mighty work through the testimony of His faithful children in this and every tribe who has yet to hear the Truth.